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As former IRS agents we can file all back tax returns and settle your tax debt all at the same time. Since 1982 A+ rated by the BBB.


We are a local South Florida company whose former IRS agents, managers, and teaching instructors all worked out of the South Florida IRS offices.

We are true experts for those having to file back tax returns with or without records. We know the system and we know the process to get you through this worry free.

With or without tax records we can reconstruct your tax return and get this problem behind you once and for all.

Stop the worry right now and let true tax professionals help file your back taxes.

Get immediate relief today. Let Former IRS Agents and Managers who know the system. We can solve you problem fast and for affordable pricing.

We can file all your back, past due or last tax returns and if you owe money we can work out a IRS Settlement.

Filing Back Taxes


If you do not file your back tax returns IRS can file your tax returns for you and this will cause you more problems than you can ever think.

We can file back tax returns for you even if you have little or no tax records.

We can do this quickly, efficiently, and at affordable rates.

As Former IRS Agents, Managers and Instructors we have reconstructed thousands of back tax returns for individuals, businesses and corporate entities.

Stop the worry right now, let our years at IRS be your best asset.


We can not only file all back years, but we can also work out a tax settlement so you can go on with your life worry-free.There are different type of settlement procedures and we will review every procedure based on your current financial statement.

What happens if you do not file a back tax return


It’s important to understand the ramifications of not filing a past due return and the steps that the IRS will take.

Taxpayers who don’t file a past due return or contact the IRS are subject to the following:


1. Penalties and Interest will be assessed and will increase the amount of tax due,

2. The IRS will file a substitute return for you. But this return is based only on information the IRS has from other sources allowing no exemptions or deductions or business expenses,

3. You lose Social Security credits.


Once the tax is assessed, the IRS will start the collection process, which can include placing a levy on wages or bank accounts or filing a federal tax lien against your property.

Filing Back Taxes Help – If IRS has already filed for you.


Even if the IRS has already filed a substitute return, it still makes sense for you to file your own return to make sure you take advantage of all the exemptions, credits, and deductions you are allowed. The IRS will generally adjust your account to reflect the correct figures.


IRS 6020 B of Back Taxes Spells Trouble


IRS files thousands of back tax returns each year under the IRC provision of 6020B. As former IRS agents we filed back taxes for taxpayers when we were employed by the IRS. This process of filing by the IRS is called SRF or Substitute Tax Return process, and we understand exactly how it works.

The process of SRF works like this: IRS conducts matching programs each and every year on their CADE 2 system, which matches all W-2’s and 1099’s.

If the computer finds no tax return posted against the W-2’s or 1099’s the IRS will prepare a SRF tax returns. This is not what you want to happen, so if you can correct the situation, you should.

IRS will not do you a favor filing your SRF return for back taxes. IRS will only give you the standard deductions, and nothing more.

From there the IRS will send out 2-3 notices, which, if you don’t respond, they’ll then send Notices of Federal Tax Levy, both Bank levy’s and Wage garnishment levy’s.


You must keep up with IRS’s bills and notices sent to you. You should know many times taxpayers have moved never got notices and they went to their bank or employer only to find out their bank account and wages have been garnished.


They will continue to levy until they get your attention. After that, the IRS will follow that up with a Filing of the Notice of Federal Tax Lien.

Do not be left in the hands of IRS to file your back tax returns. Get Filing Back Taxes Help.

If the IRS filed your tax returns thru SRF, call us today to immediately correct the situation. If the IRS filed your tax return, we can file correct returns and correct the misstated tax liability.

When the IRS prepares your tax return, the general rule of thumb is that overstatement of tax is least 5 times of the total tax. In some cases, taxpayers never even owed the tax.

We can file correct tax returns to lower and adjust the overstated tax and work out a tax settlement that you can live with. This process is called an audit reconsideration.

As former IRS Agents, Managers and Instructors for over 60 years with the Internal Revenue Service at the local, district and regional offices, we are experts at reconstructing tax returns, filing back taxes and tax settlements.

We have prepared thousands of back tax returns since 1982.

Lost tax records, not a problem.


Not only will we reconstruct your tax return, but we will also work out a settlement agreement with the Internal Revenue Service if you owe them back taxes. If you do not have any records as former IRS agents we know the exact process to reconstruct your tax returns and assure you will pay the lowest amount  allowed by law.

We know the system, we know the methodologies, and we know the best and most affordable way to solve your IRS tax problem.


Need To File Back Tax Returns & Settle Back Debt Tax All at Same Time + Former IRS

Michael D. Sullivan is the founder of MD Sullivan Tax Group. He had a distinguished career with the Internal Revenue Service for 10 years. As a veteran IRS Revenue Officer / Agent, he served as an Offer in Compromise Tax Specialist and Large Dollar Case Specialist.

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