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Have former IRS agents give you true IRS tax help on back tax debt, IRS audits, wage garnishments, filing back tax returns and settlements.


We been practicing in South Florida since 1982 and are a full-service firm that can handle your case if you owe IRS back taxes, going through an IRS tax audit, have received a bank or wage garnishment levy, need to take care of a federal tax lien or have back tax returns to file.

Please feel free to visit our offices Skype us or call us by phone.


IRS Tax Debt on Back Taxes


If you owe back tax debt to the Internal Revenue Service there are generally three options available to you to settle your IRS back debt.

As a general rule, IRS will take a current financial statement on a form 433 a or 433F.

IRS will expect that financial statement to be fully documented which includes copies of all expenses, bank statements and pay stubs and with that in hand the Internal Revenue Service will either place you into  a non-collectible hardship status which will keep IRS at bay for one to three years and then the case will find its way back out to the field.

Or the Internal Revenue Service may ask you to make monthly payments because you have excess income over the allowable expenses.

IRS may also allow you to settle your tax debt for an offer in compromise.

When you call us for your free initial tax consultation we will walk you through the process and find out which method that IRS will accept based on your financial statement and your financial means.


There is very specific methodology that IRS will use to close your case.

If you have received an IRS audit lottery notice


IRS is auditing fewer and fewer returns every year and to be truthful if you have received an IRS audit notice it is just plain bad luck.

If you have received an IRS audit letter you can call us and speak to former IRS audit agents and audit managers and audit instructors.

We will walk you through the process of how IRS will work your IRS audit and give you the best possible tax defense. We are experts in IRS audit defense and appeals. please be advised that sometimes some of the best settlements for IRS audit winds up in the appeals division.

If you have received an IRS wage or bank garnishment levy call us today and as a general rule within 24 hours of receiving your current financial statement we can get a release of an IRS bank or wage levy garnishment.

Before IRS will release a wage or bank garnishment levy they will want to see a copy of a current documented financial statement and please keep in mind all your tax returns must be filed and on record.

If you have a federal tax lien filed and want to hear the various options to get your lien fully released call and speak to former IRS collection agents who know all the systems. Their very specific ways that calls for a federal tax lien to be filed and depending on the circumstances of your case we will give you the very best, affordable, and fastest ways to get your federal tax lien released.

If you have the file back tax returns and have very little records we can prepare your returns under reconstructive methods. Based in our years and years of experience we understand all the processes all the methodologies.

Call us today for a free initial tax consultation.Speak to true IRS tax experts regarding any IRS collection or audit matter. This includes IRS letters, bills or threatening notices. We can stop the IRS today.


IRS Tax Help + Owe Back Tax Debt, IRS Audit, Bank, Wage Levy, File Back Tax Returns, Settlements + Ft.Lauderdale, Miami, Palm Beaches, Boca Raton, Aventura + Former IRS Agents

Michael D. Sullivan is the founder of MD Sullivan Tax Group. He had a distinguished career with the Internal Revenue Service for 10 years. As a veteran IRS Revenue Officer / Agent, he served as an Offer in Compromise Tax Specialist and Large Dollar Case Specialist.

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