Wage Garnishment - Bank Account Frozen - V

Do not be bullied by the IRS, I can get your money from a frozen bank account returned back in your hands.

Being Former IRS Agent gives me the edge over all the competition because we know the system and techniques to make this happen quickly and for affordable pricing.

Our tax firm is composed of Board Certified Tax Attorneys, Tax Lawyers, CPA’s and Former IRS Agents, Managers and Instructors who have over 60 years of direct IRS work experience in the local, district and regional offices of the IRS.

We have a combined 206 years of total tax and IRS experience. We also taught Tax Law at the IRS and know the exact process to get a tax levy released.

We have released thousands of tax levies and wage garnishments since 1982 and we are “A” rated by the Better Business Bureau.

The added advantage of using me is the fact that not only will you get your money back on a frozen bank account or a tax levy, your case will also be settled.

How I. can immediately get Notices of Bank Levy, Wage Garnishments and Frozen Bank Accounts Released.

Being former IRS Agents, Managers and Instructors we have issued thousands of IRS Wage Garnishments and Bank Tax Levies as former IRS employees. We know exactly how to quickly get the tax levy released and get your case settled with the IRS.


With Michael Sullivan!

Is your bank account frozen because of IRS wage garnishment? Learn how to stop IRS wage garnishment and unfreeze your accounts with our expert help. We negotiate with the IRS to arrange a suitable payment plan or reassess your garnishment. Don’t let the IRS crush you anymore. Get the help you deserve.


If you have an outstanding tax debt, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) can garnish your wages, taking part or all of your paycheck to satisfy the debt. Here’s how wage garnishment works and what you can do to fight back:


  1. Wage Levy Notice: Your employer receives Form 668-W, Notice of Levy on Wages, Salary, and Other Income, from the IRS.
  2. Withholding: Your employer has one full pay period to start sending a portion of your wages to the IRS.
  3. Seizure: The IRS can continue to garnish your wages until the debt is resolved.

To fight back, reach out to Michael Sullivan for expert guidance. He has a team of IRS problem solvers who can help you negotiate with the IRS, explore options to release the levy, and protect your income


The IRS places a wage levy on a taxpayer primarily because of unpaid tax debt. Here are the common reasons why the IRS may issue a wage levy:


  1. Unpaid Taxes: The most common reason for a wage levy is that you owe back taxes to the IRS.
  2. Ignored Notices: If you have ignored multiple IRS notices regarding your unpaid taxes, the IRS may escalate the situation by issuing a wage levy.
  3. Failure to Respond: Not responding to IRS requests for payment arrangements or failing to make agreed-upon payments can trigger a levy.
  4. Non-Receipt of Notices: Some taxpayers may not receive IRS correspondence because they have moved or did not receive the mail. Regardless, the IRS continues with the levy process until contact is made.

The IRS will repeatedly try to contact you to see if you owe taxes. Once you receive an IRS Notice of Levy, it remains in effect until you respond and resolve the issue. If you need help resolving IRS wage garnishments, our expert IRS consultant is here to help.

In addition to this, we also assist in other services, from handling IRS Notice CP 504 to providing IRS tax debt settlement help and unfiled taxes help, our team is here to guide you. Seize the opportunity to secure your financial future today. Contact us now!


Did you know that IRS wage garnishment has a continuous effect on your salary and wages? Unlike other IRS tax levies, a wage levy continues until it is released. This includes wages, salary, fees, bonuses, commissions, and similar income. In contrast, other levies only apply to property and rights to property that exist when the levy is served.

Examples of Other Levies

  • Bank Account Levy: This only affects the money in your account at the time the levy is served. Future deposits are not impacted.
  • Other Income Levy: Applies to fixed and determinable payments, not dependent on future services. For instance, a levy on an author’s royalties from already published books affects future sales of those books. A new levy is required for royalties from books published later.
  • Retirement Income Levy: Form 668-W is issued to levy a taxpayer’s retirement income, which has a fixed right to future payments. This levy remains in effect until it is released.

Exempt Amounts from IRS Wage Garnishment

Part of a taxpayer’s wages, salary (including fees, bonuses, commissions, and similar items), other income, as well as retirement and benefit income, is exempt from levy. The weekly exempt amount is the total of the taxpayer’s standard deduction and the amount deductible for exemptions on an income tax return for the year the levy is served.

Knowing about IRS wage garnishments and exemptions helps you handle these issues effectively. Michael Sullivan can help bridge the gap to clearer tax solutions. Moreover, if you’re looking for assistance with IRS debt settlement or innocent spouse tax relief, we’re here to help.


A frozen bank account means you cannot withdraw or transfer money from it. While you can still receive deposits, you won’t be able to access your funds until the freeze is lifted.

Reasons for a Frozen Account

  • Suspicious Activity: Banks may freeze accounts if they suspect illegal activities such as money laundering, terrorist financing, or fraudulent checks.
  • Unpaid Debts: Creditors can obtain a court judgment to freeze your account to collect unpaid debts.
  • Government Requests: The government can freeze accounts for unpaid taxes or student loans.

Impact of Wage Garnishment

Wage garnishment occurs when a court orders your employer to withhold a portion of your earnings to pay off a debt. This can lead to a frozen account if:

  • Creditors: A creditor gets a court order to freeze your account to collect the debt.
  • Government: The government issues a levy for unpaid taxes or student loans.

What to Do if Your Account is Frozen?

Take these steps to resolve the issue:

  • Contact Your Bank: Find out why your account is frozen and what steps you need to take.
  • Stop Outgoing Payments: Inform anyone with automatic payments set up to prevent bounced payments.
  • Provide Proof: If the freeze is a mistake, provide documentation to your bank to resolve the issue.

Get Immediate Help for Wage Garnishment and Frozen Accounts

If the process is too confusing to execute, help is just around the corner. Have a word with those who have an in-depth idea about how to revive your frozen account.
Our team provides clear, actionable steps to help you unfreeze your account and stop wage garnishments as fast as possible.


Effective Debt Management

Our expert strategies help you manage your tax debt repayment efficiently, reducing the amount owed without putting a strain on your finances.

Structured Payment Solutions

We negotiate structured payment plans with the IRS, allowing you to pay off your debt over time in a way that’s manageable and stress-free.

Protect Your Essential Expenses

We ensure that your essential living expenses are taken into account, helping you maintain a basic standard of living while repaying your debt.

Lower Penalties and Interest

Our approach includes facilitating consistent payments, which helps reduce additional penalties and interest, potentially lowering your overall debt.

Resolve Tax Issues

We work diligently to resolve your outstanding tax issues, allowing you to move forward without the burden of unresolved debts.

Prevent Legal Action

Our expertise helps prevent further legal action from the IRS, which can lead to more severe consequences.

Our Process to Immediately Stop an IRS Wage Garnishment

With over 250 years of cumulative IRS experience, our IRS tax consultants can help you immediately stop wage garnishment with an effective process. Here’s a detailed guide to assist you:

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    First, We'll Review and Gather Your Information

    Schedule a complimentary 30-minute call with our experts. We start by reviewing your IRS notice and gathering essential documents, including Form 433-F, your latest pay stub, and recent bank statements. We also ensure all your prior tax returns are filed.

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    Next, We'll Submit Everything and Negotiate

    Next, we promptly submit all required documents to the IRS and negotiate on your behalf. We aim to secure a payment plan or explore options like an Offer in Compromise to alleviate your debt.

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    Then, We'll Request a CDP Hearing if Needed

    If necessary, we can help you request a Collection Due Process (CDP) hearing to appeal the garnishment. This, in turn, can pause the process while your case is reviewed.

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    After That, We'll Get the IRS to Review and Release

    We oversee the IRS review process, ensuring they have all the information needed to assess your case. Typically, this results in the immediate release of your wage garnishment.

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    We'll Keep You Informed and Compliant

    Throughout the process, we keep you informed and ensure you remain compliant with all IRS requirements, helping you avoid further penalties.

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    Finally, We'll Achieve a Fast Resolution

    Our goal is to achieve a swift resolution, often obtaining a garnishment release within 24 hours of receiving your financial information.

Get results today from frozen bank accounts. Get your tax levy released and your case settled.

Call me for a no-cost professional tax consult and speak directly to a certified tax professional.

All my work is guaranteed.

Regain Control of Your Paycheck Today.

Our wage garnishment attorney can help you stop IRS wage garnishment and get back on track financially. We provide personalized support to manage, negotiate, and resolve your IRS issues quickly. Secure your financial future now!

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