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Shabbir Saloda

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As IRS former Managers, We Know the System. Since 1982, A plus Rated. Local IRS Tax Experts, free tax consults.


We have over 200 years of professional tax experience and over 100 years of working directly for the Internal Revenue Service in the local, district, and regional offices of the Florida IRS.

Our principal has been on FOXBusiness news, ABC The briefing room , CBS and NBC.


We are staffed with former revenue officers, revenue agents, appellate agents, IRS managers, IRS supervisors, and IRS teaching instructors.

Within minutes of looking at your case, we will know the exact remedy and be able to give you a flat fee pricing how to resolve your case.

We can work anything from simple IRS notice or letter, to representation in the local offices, going to appeals, going to Tax Court, all work is handled within our firm.

How does IRS deal With Back Tax Debt?


There are very specific formulas and methodologies that IRS uses to determine how they will deal with tax debt.

At the very beginning you should know that all tax returns must be filed before IRS will close your case. Filing all back tax returns is a must.

If you have not filed your back tax returns, we can have our affordable IRS experts prepare your returns. If you have lost your records or need tax reconstruction, our former IRS agents can assist with this and make this a very seamless process.

IRS uses a basic financial statement to deal with your tax debt.


They will use form 433A or 433F, you can find those forms on our website. Go to homepage.

IRS will want to review that financial statement along with copies of six months worth of bank statements, copies of all pay stubs along with all monthly expenses to make a determination on the availability possible payments to Internal Revenue Service.

This is not an IRS tax audit just a very surface review of your current financial statement.

You do want to make sure it is correctly filled out and there is an art to that statement.

How does the Internal Revenue Service close a tax debt off their enforcement computer?


IRS uses three basic closing methods after review of your current financial statement.


1.The first closing method is called a hardship or currently not collectible. What this means is, IRS’ reviews your current financial statement and determines you have no money to make payments at this time.

The good news is IRS’s off your back for a couple years and the bad news is IRS can review your case in two or three years and penalties and interest continue to run.

Over 40% of all taxpayers who have IRS tax debt have their cases suspended or put in hardship because of their current financial condition.


2. The second closing method is called a monthly payment or installment agreement.

After the Internal Revenue Service reviews your current financial statement it may determine you have enough money to make a back payment to them. When you call us we will review that process specifically with you.

6.5 million taxpayers a year are on current monthly payment agreements.


3. The third closing method is called the offer in compromise or the IRS settlement. Some people call this settling for pennies on the dollar.

There is a very specific formula to have an offer in compromise accepted.

Our principal owner is a former IRS agent revenue officer who taught the offer in compromise program at his time in IRS. Our first goal is to settle all cases through the offer in compromise for those who are settlement candidates.


We will let you know on your immediate first consultation whether we can settle your debt.

Over 32,000 people had their offer in compromise settle last year from an average settlement of $9500.


Call us today for free initial tax consultation and learn the truth about IRS tax debt relief. We are a local tax firm.

We are a full-service firm with all work being done in-house.

In summary, if you have any tax debt that you need to take care of with the federal or state government, have unfiled tax returns, you’re looking to settle your tax debt with an offer in compromise, have an outstanding federal tax lien or IRS has levied your bank account or wages, or you may going through an IRS tax audit, we are the go to firm.

Nobody has more IRS combined experience than our former agents and our firm.


Affordable IRS Experts + Tax Debt Relief + Unfiled Tax Returns, Settle Tax Debt + Tax Liens + Tax Levies + Audits + Former IRS Agents

Michael D. Sullivan is the founder of MD Sullivan Tax Group. He had a distinguished career with the Internal Revenue Service for 10 years. As a veteran IRS Revenue Officer / Agent, he served as an Offer in Compromise Tax Specialist and Large Dollar Case Specialist.

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